2024 NC Recycling Day at the Capitol

Wednesday June 12, 1:00pm-3:30pm

Register now for NC Recycling Day at the Capitol!  We must educate our lawmakers about the positive impact of recycling and waste reduction in North Carolina, and how they can support our industry in new and better ways.  Recyclers will meet at NC DEQ Headquarters briefly before heading over together to the NC General Assembly portico, where we will enjoy a sweet cold treat and meeting our lawmakers as they head into their sessions and offices.  Participants are also encouraged to schedule appointments with their legislators in their offices during the event. Please register for this event ahead of time; there is a cap on the number of participants. 


  • Sponsorships are available, please reach out to directly to [email protected]
  • Sign up to sponsor using the registration form linked on this page.
  • Sponsor levels and benefits are listed here


Agenda for June 12, 2024:

1:00pm – Meet at the DEQ Conference Room

NC DEQ Headquarters 217 W Jones St, Raleigh, NC 27603  Directions: 

  • Intros around the room
  • Distribute materials
  • Questions? 

1:45pm – Walk to Legislature for Ice Cream Social 

2-3:30pm- Ice Cream Social & Meet with Legislators

16 W Jones St, Raleigh, NC 27601

  • This is an outdoor event with little shade.  
  • Bring a hat, sunscreen, or other things to keep you comfortable outdoors in summer heat.
  • Bring a camping chair if desired, and prepare for sun, heat and/or rain.
  • Participants can also visit legislative offices with our information and materials, we encourage you to make appointments with your district’s representatives and senators anytime that day. 
  • No stationary signage is allowed, only hand-held signs are permitted
  • You can meet the group at the General Assembly but you still need to register for the event.
  • The portico is located in the rear of the building facing the square
  • Dress is business casual and comfortable for outdoors.

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